“Please, don’t fail me in my hour of need,” she cried, her voice faltered. She could hardly hear herself speak due to the low spirited of it. She tried to…
“Please, don’t fail me in my hour of need,” she cried, her voice faltered. She could hardly hear herself speak due to the low spirited of it. She tried to…
Kau tetaplah garamku, Kau adalah merica, Kau adalah bawang putih dan merah, Kau adalah daun salam, Kau adalah kemiri,
Everything seemed unreal, but the woman in black who was staring at the mirror was real. She was silent and solemn to her own reflection. Her closed mouth and teary…
Something’s good. Something’s bad. Mysterious.
I’d observed about a crowd. I’ve not been that comfortable to be a part of that situation as well.
Silence. She never expected before. She couldn’t speak. It was the silence that made her so nervous during the room.
I lived in chimney stack last night. I was a nomade one. I had flied to reach the attic side of this house, But I failed.
“Do you know what is the definition of sadness?” Somebody asks them.
Have you ever imagined about something that is probably nearly important to you, yet it is going to be really hard to have?
Down by the water dressed in blue, In the light of promise and hope.